Tirzah MM Hawkins


Tirzah MM Hawkins

Tirzah MM Hawkins

Thriller, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror

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  • Member Since

    May 2022

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    November 15

  • Profession



Tirzah M.M. Hawkins is an author of all things dark including horror, fantasy, and snippets of sci-fi. She began writing stories when she was ten years old. Some of her favorites at that age were The Hobbit and The Chronicles of Narnia.

After watching too many horror movies at a young age, she has only recently been able to start sleeping with her feet uncovered at night.

She lives with her husband and their many fur (and feathered) babies including at any given time dogs, cats, horses, goats, pigs (that have happy lives until they are eaten), and chickens (who are only around for eggs).

Her favorite hobbies are reading, writing, researching, singing, and listening to music.

Tirzah MM Hawkins Books

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